
We smarten up your business.

We are a certified Salesforce Consulting Partner, dedicated to helping companies work smarter by optimizing complex business processes. With over a decade of experience as a Salesforce partner, we have a deep understanding of Salesforce cloud solutions and can provide unparalleled advice, configuration, development, and support to our clients.

Intigris Salesforce Partner

Our story

From passion for Technology to a Team of Smart People

Founder Hans Nieuwenhuis worked for about 10 years as a business consultant in the telecom industry after studying electrical engineering at Delft University of Technology. In 2009 it was time to do what he likes best. Driven by love for advanced technology, he founded his own company 'Intigris'. Hans had a clear goal in mind: helping organizations to improve through the use of smart software.Nowadays Intigris works with a team of smart consultants and developers from the Kraanspoor building on the creative NDSM wharf in Amsterdam-Noord.

Intigris Salesforce Implementation Partner

Our vision

Enable clients with Innovative Information Technology Solutions

At Intigris, we stand for innovation, optimization, and information technology, combining smart business consulting with a thorough understanding of information technology to empower our clients. Our phased and result-oriented approach to deploying IT helps companies achieve more intelligent business operations. We use resources such as Cloud Computing and Software as a Service to support our clients and make the process as streamlined as possible.

Intigris Salesforce Partner